Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Need to BLOG

BLOG – the shortened form of web-log. I guess there are millions of thousands of websites on internet and millions of thousands of users of these websites. Probably there are a few thousands of websites offering blog services and of course the millions of users of these services. But why do these sites offer these services and why do people blog. The websites, yes, it is a part of their revenue generation, but what do we get from blogging. We here, are all bloggers. As I am writing this I am thinking why am I writing this? What for? Who will read this? There are so many blogs and so many users but the probability of someone reading what I write is say 0.00001% which could not been be even considered negligible.

I have asked people, why they write? They have come with answers like “I like writing” which is agreeable or “I want to share my ideas or thoughts” or a few go on “its happening, it’s a forum to exchange views, opinions” but a few exceptional argue that “I just want to write what I feel, I don’t care what people think, I don’t mind if people leave comments on what I write” which I feel is not real, I think people who say that put on a face and hide the reality.

After some deliberation into the reasoning, I found out the reason. The reason why people blog, a few of them may not agree or accept, but I feel it is the absolute truth. We all blog to be ‘APPRECIATED’!! Appreciated for our work, appreciated by people and appreciation for everything we do. The idea may not be practical and many of us would have not even thought about it, but if we knock the door of basic needs of humans, we would definitely find the concept of ‘Appreciation’. I would say appreciation is as basic a need as food, air or water for human to survive, to survive emotionally, though not physically. The law of Darwinism also holds well in this survival
‘Survival of the fittest’

When we get down to the basics of life to survive, everyone does everything to be appreciated for. A kid may start crying in a crowd thinking that his/her parents are drifting their attention from him/her and he is not being appreciated for what he/she does. If an innocent child is all for appreciation, imagine how much we adults crave for it or as in the phrase people ‘die for it’, either knowingly or unknowingly. They may not acknowledge it or they may substitute it with things like love, hate or something similar which are un-quantifiable by themselves.

Finally, we blog! The need for us to blog is only to satisfy our basic need, to quench our thirst for appreciation. I am sure one would be happy to see a comment on their thought, be it a good or bad, at least it reiterates the probability that someone has read your blog and your work has been appreciated irrespective of it being good or bad to you. I guess that is the reason why you can see ‘Number Visited’ meter at the end of some blog pages.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guru :)

When I read the last line, I was like: CAUGHT! :)

You know why I write? I want to make more room for my thoughts. So I use a page... a webpage so I can stretch my brain muscles in the extra space. :)

I also write if I felt something or thought of something that I want to share. So I agree about "appreciation" to mean "understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something."

I love comments that say the visitor knows what I mean in a post from a similar experience in their life.

Thanks for your post,
Looking forward to Yaava Mohana Murali,

Chandan V said...

Sooo true, Its all about footage and getting noticed. Hmmmmm but I started blogging to use it as an info dump,A place wherein I can go through my experiences sometime later in life.

But a very nice comment once in a while encourages you to do it better and regularly.

myaxl said...

A very thoughtful thot i must say:-)!!! well, blogging for me is somekinda outlet that i give for my thots...appreciation is the next step that sometimes gets a bit boring to type in..n' thats when the 'appreciation' factor cums into picture that kinda motivates to jot down!!

Guru said...

@Shruthi: you have always excelled in strecthing your brain muscles. I understand what you say and the reason why YOU blog!

@Chandan:Sometime later in life, well I dint think about it! it will fun to show it to your grand kids :)

@myaxl: Thanks!So you too agree it is the life line that keeps anyone going. Isnt it?

Harsha S Rao said...

An outlet for me....

Chitra said...

Guru, its soo true that all of us crave for attention. Even when we write our personal diary(I dont know if people would agree with me on this) unconciously we put some thought into it, though its not necessary. We feel that some day some one might go through our stories. We are always under the impression that what ever we do would be watched by others. The quench to be recognised is always there in all of us, only the magnitude differs.

Guru said...


"only the magnitude differs". def true... it is only that people dont accept the fact and acknowledge..:)...

and your thought on personal dairy is also true... i do feel so...!! so u not alone..

Vinitha said...

A blog to me is an outlet for the various feelings that I experience in life.
Hmmm considering they are my experiences y the need to make it public?????
Well its coz I believe we all are in constant search for people who understand us, who feel the same like us, who no matter what will not judge us … finding a blog of a person who is like us gives the feeling that we are not alone …
Hence the need to blog …