Thursday, July 05, 2007

Development/Confidence or a bit of boast?

It was sometime in early October 2004, during the first few classes of my MSc in University of Surrey,UK, I was very apprehensive and cynical to open my mouth, thinking that people in my class who were all from various parts of the world (I should say, I was the only Indian) would laugh at my accent and my English. I was very nervous and framed my sentence many many times, over and over again before they could hear anything from me. There was a discussion about argument, how to argue and what points should be covered in an argument and how professional an argument can be at workplace. I have read, believed and it has always worked for me that the best way to win an argument is to be quiet. I had put forward my argument (so to say) to the entire class and to the old aged professor! After much of deliberation I did say what I wanted to and the entire class did go quiet to hear the unknown voice which was too much different from the familiar voices of the Caucasian race. It was an achievement for me!! And from then on there was no debate or argument without me being involved in it in the class.

Three years on, I can see how much I have changed and how I am now, at work, generally and how different I think. I have developed the flair to identify the trueness of a person, irrespective from where he/she comes from and keeping away all the stereotypes that rules most of our decisions. One incident at work last week made me feel really proud of myself. James and Peter (names changed) also work with me and James is the supervisor of Peter (both British). I know both James and Peter pretty well. During my break, Peter comes to me and goes on about how much he dislikes working with James and how unhappy he is in his team. “Guru, there are a few people here in this place I guess who are really worth their jobs and you are one of those mate. Honestly, I have more respect to you that towards James, he is an a***h**e”. ‘James, don’t loose your heart, it is not him as a person, it is the system mate, I am sure you can understand and probably you would have done the same if you were to be in his position’, I said. ‘Go get some food’ I added. The conversation went on to several things and we were about to finish our breaks. Peter, opening the door (British diplomacy) turns back to me and says ‘Can I work for you, Guru?’ I smiled at him and said, ‘I will see what I can do for you’

It is not the fact that I can get him a job in my team, it is the experience/ conversation that makes me feel proud….. A self pat………can I say ‘Well done! Guru’


BlackThorn said...

it isnt anytin less than an achievement. congratulations.

however, as far as my experience in the west goes(im not sure hw diff the brits r compared to the americans[if by any chance they are]!), majority of the ppl here r self-interested, not in behaviour, not in words, not with attitude but in their actions. i hav repeatedly come across such ppl here who r all smiles when they hav to get sumtin done frm u(even if its a v v trivial thing!) and once its done they dont even care to greet u wid a smile. however tis not the same wid all ppl here, there r ppl (a minority though) who show gratitude and r sweet.

Rafiki said...

congrats :)

Guru said...

i7: Probably the difference between the cultures could be the reason for people to behave in such a way! every one of us is selfish, but a few show their selfishness.( it is the universal law, it applies to everyone, irrespective of country of origin)

Rafiki: Thank you