Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Another Satisfactory Day!!!

Well, I am not sure who on earth would be interested in what I do each day, but still, I would write this because it has been another satisfactory day of my life. Such days are to me in the recent past. The uncertain-ness, ambiguity, and many similar 100 reasons have never let me be ME. Anyways, it’s everyone’s meal I guess. Um…yes the reasons why I say it was another satisfactory day is because I tried so many new things and also I had an experience which made me feel good (nothing like what u r thinking). First, I played snooker (Hitting the ball to where it was meant to go with the cue. My earlier attempt with snooker was like shooting in the dark) Next, I tried TRAMPOLINE. (The spring net that shoots you up in the air and where one performs all the gymnastics in the air) It is one such feeling where you are falling down but the next moment you are flying. Also, worked out and played badminton for a while. Well, a lot of physical exercise in a day eh? But none of this was not as good as the last one. The one I am talking about is the gesture, an expression of gratitude. It happened that I was behind an old white couple (probably in their 80s and they were using walking sticks to support themselves) on an escalator in a shopping mall. The old gentleman lost his balance on the escalator and was about to fall. I held him from behind and supported him till we reach the top. I was surprised by my reflex. It was good that I held him; else, he would have rolled down the escalator. We reached the top and that is when the man actually saw me and was surprised to see a non white, but he had an expression on his face. Genuine heartfelt thanks. That made my day (well the rest of the evening). It is a pleasure to be a support to someone at times when they really need it and in this case, I was literally a physical support to the man. The feeling of someone being there when you really need someone is very comforting and this feeling can be a cushion during the frequent ‘falls’ of our lives.


Anonymous said...

True.....very true indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. I'm so glad you were there.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's so nice....
U have done a lot. Not just supported him. U have kind of given him a different perspective abt non-whites for sure....

Guru said...

@ashwin: I am happy that even u feel so...

@shru: Even I am glad that I was there. I guess that is one of the best things i have ever done

@anon: I guess so... its always good to change somebody's perception to good about east and India in particular

Chitra said...

Sometimes, when we question our own existance, we realise that its a pleasure to live for others than for our ownselves. 'Cause our happiness depends upon how happy people are with us. Nothing is more satisfying than making another person smile gracefully for your help/actions.

Guru said...


i guess u r right.. but we cant be bit too idealistic i relaity i personally feel never miss a chance to help others if u can...

Harsha S Rao said...

It is in giving that we receive...